Wednesday, July 30, 2008

8-1 thru 8-7

All times given are Eastern Standard Time; adjust accordingly for other time zones.

Friday, August 1

Moon Conjunct Sun in Leo (New Moon/Solar Eclipse) 6:12 AM
Strong connection between inner and outer worlds. With the eclipse, there is the potential for the inner, intuitive senses to overpower the exterior perceptions.

Moon Conjunct Mercury in Leo 11:52 AM
Be sure to look for an opportunity to express your feelings to family and friends as our mental state aligns with our emotional being in loving Leo.

Saturday, August 2

Moon Conjunct Venus in Leo 9:18 AM
Proud Leo provides good support for our emotions regarding relationships and issues of value. Tell someone you care about how much you appreciate them.

Moon Void of Course 2:59 PM

Moon Enters Virgo 4:59 PM

Sunday, August 3

Moon Conjunct Saturn in Virgo 6:58 AM
Expect good support for your feelings and intuitions with disciplined Saturn and the Moon both in earthy Virgo.

Moon in Virgo Trine Jupiter in Capricorn 6:16 PM
The practical wisdom of Jupiter continues to provide help to our inner, emotional being. Strong possibility of bountiful fortune in this area.

Monday, August 4

Moon Conjunct Mars in Virgo 5:13 AM
Today is a good day to take action regarding something you have strong emotional ties or reactions to. With assertive Mars lining up with our sensitive sides in meticulous Virgo, now is a good time to help manifest our feelings in the real world.

Moon Void of Course 8:16 PM

Moon Enters Libra 10:28 PM

Wednesday, August 6

Venus Enters Virgo 12:20 AM

Moon in Libra Square Jupiter in Capricorn 1:00 AM
The first difficult aspect for the Moon in a number of days, this square can bring conflict between our emotional being and our greater wisdom. Be careful of letting your feelings have too much control over your being.

Thursday, August 7

Moon Void of Course 5:01 AM

Moon Enters Scorpio 7:26 AM

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